Thursday, June 18, 2009

Alex's lost his two front teeth

Alex is doing well he's enjoying time off from school and loves hanging out with his friends and loves to spend time at the water park.

Alex and Chloe

What's New with us.

It's been awhile since I have updated this, I guess you can say I have been very busy and finding spare time is rare to get. Austin turned 16(GULP) he hasn't gotten a car yet but when he does I believe this is where the grey hair will start coming in and the worried lines on my forehead will start showing up. I have a few photo's of the boy's they are growing so fast, Alex is a ham and to smart for his own britches!
Chad and I are doing well we are both working and going crazy trying to keep up with the boy's and the dogs thank God we have each other to lean on. Other than that everyone is healthy and well and truly there are no real complaints, we as a family are blessed in many ways.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Chad and Chloe & Mya

Chloe is as goofy as she looks.

Mya our lab so happy and all she wants to do is please you.

Chad playing fetch with our dogs.

Austin turned 16!

Let's see Austin has a new job which is his first "Real" job as a life guard at Roaring Springs and he enjoy's boxing as a sport and yes you will even see some photo's of him driving.

Alex likes pulling faces, can you tell?

Monday, February 9, 2009