Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Alex is getting big and he's very funny and always being silly. He's 6 years old however he's very excitied about turning 7 in January he's already giving us a list of what he wants for his birthday. In fact he told us what Santa doesn't get him Chad and I can buy it for him for his birthday. Smart Kid! Alex loves music and loves to sing he's always practicing in the shower he loves to use his voice. Alex loves his dogs as if you haven't already noticed by the pictures with him and the dogs. Chad and I have really enjoyed him he keeps us on our toes and has more energy than we know what to do with at times. Alex looks up to his older brother Austin he wishes he could do everything he does. Love our boy's!

My Boy's Austin & Alexander

WOW! Where did the time go? Austin is 15 1/2 and has his learners permit and is now driving Chad and I around town to get his hours in... I am excitied for Austin but at the same time I am very sad considering that time has gone by so fast. It seemed like just yesterday I was teaching him how to ride his bike! Austin is pushing 6 ft. It gets a little awkard when I am scolding him for something he's done. I am just waiting for him to pick me up to only tell me to calm down. He's a good kid he definitely can push my buttons at times but considering all the trouble he could get into he's really a good kid & we love him very much! Austin and Alex make us all laugh they both have a funny Sense of humor and can make Chad and I laugh. Austin is very laid back doesn't really react to much. Tends to mellow me out when I am getting uptight over something small he will be the first to say, "Mom it's not that bad." or he uses the phrase. "Wow, okay?" When I am getting worked up over nothing.